How to Make Sphere/Globe Hanging Baskets
Basically, merge two coco fiber/moss baskets together–held with strip ties or wire

Takes about 20-30 min:
Found links with best instructions...
Bettter Home & Garden (with video)
NewPeony Varieties
Madame Emile Debatane' Peony:

Chojuraku Tree Peony:
• Madame Emile Debatane is a hardy perennial blooming from mid to late spring interest. The plant habits are large, vibrant rose-like romantic, salmon pink double blooms. Grows and protrudes on long, erect stems can be used for designing beautiful summer flowr bouquets for the inside of your home, and attract butterflies.
• SEASON: Perennial
• USE: Beds & borders
• HABIT: Shrub
• SIZE: 24'' tall
• BLOOM TIME: 2-3 months.
• PURPOSE: Gardenscapes, containers, deckscapes.
• LIGHT: Full Sun(6hrs) or part shade.
• ATTRACTS: Butterflies.
• PLANT: 1/2 deep of pot size.
• EXPECT: Spreads 18-24" feet.
• ZONE 4-9 (indoors.)
• Watering: Regularly
More details can be found at ParkSeed..
New Begonia Viking Explorer
Begonia Viking:
• Viking Explorer' is an exciting cultivar producing long running, branching stems that successfully produce a full formed, robust begonia hanging basket. Viking generates large blooms and dense foliage. These plant brings a vibrant ambiance to the front porch gardenscape–also great for greating atmosphere when used in deckscaping. Blooms from mid-summer to late fall.
• SEASON: Annual
• USE: Hanging Baskets
• HABIT: Trailing
• SIZE: 12'' tall
• BLOOM TIME: 2-3 months.
• PURPOSE: Gardenscapes, containers, deckscapes.
• LIGHT: Full Sun(6hrs) or part shade.
• ATTRACTS: Ocassional Hummingbird.
• PLANT: 1/2 deep of pot size.
• EXPECT: Spreads 18-24" feet.
• ZONE 4-9 (indoors.)
More details can be found at SAKATA.. SAKATA
Magazine...Viking Explorere AAS Award
New Hibiscus Summerific
• Evening Rose' as an excellent cultivar presenting hot pink flowers and dark-green foliage. with 8" large brith blooms that cover the schrub from top to boom in dense color. These plant brings a feeling of the tropics to the northern lamdscape. Enjo them in the front or backyard gardenscape. These are the perennial variety that is sure to bring years of visual joy. Blooms from mid-summer to late fall.
• BLOOM TIME: 2-3 months.
• PURPOSE: Gardenscapes, containers.
• LIGHT: Full Sun(6hrs) or part shade.
• ATTRACTS: Butterflies insects–Bee Friendly.
• PLANT: i.5 deep of pot size" deep.
• EXPECT: Spreads 4-5 feet.
• ZONE 4-9 (indoors.)
More details can be found at Walters Gardens... WaltersGarden
University of Florida...Hibiscus Important Details
Yes, Ranunculus Can Grow in Michigan
• Ranunculus in one of best bouquet of flowers for providing fresh cuts in the home. Each plant produces pedal after pedal of waffer-thin, pastel of rainbow of flowers that are pleasing to view. If you think of this plant more like a tulip you can understand that it is a cool weather, early spring blooming plant–like tulips, you can also grow ranunculs indoors.
The only difference is that Rananculus is a "tender perennial–damaged under 25°." Meaning, it can't over winter in colder climates like Michigan, so you must remove and overwinter the roots indoors.
• SIZE: 12-20" tall
• BLOOM TIME: 1-2 months.
• PURPOSE: Gardenscapes, bouquets, containers.
• LIGHT: Full (6hrs) or part shade.
• ATTRACTS: Beneficial insects–Bees.
• PLANT: 2-3" deep.
• EXPECT: 10-20 blooms per bulb.
• ZONE 7-9 (outdoors.)
• ZONE 4-6 (indoors.)
More details can be found at Park Seeds... Parks Seed
important growing details at at GDP...Greenhouse Product News
New Clematis
• 'Sarah Elizabeth' also know as "Boulevard Evipo 098" offers the longest blooming clematis of all the clematis vines–producing colorful, distinct, florescent-pink flowers from late spring until late Autumn. months every year. With its large bright colored blooms, it will adorn itself from top to bottom. A beautiful perennial shrub that will add lasting beauty to any trellis, fence, obelisk–in the front or backyard gardenscape.
• SIZE: 4-5' tall
• BLOOM TIME: 5+ months every year.
• PURPOSE: In gardenscapes, or grown in large containers.
• LIGHT: Full or part shade.
• PRUNE Group 3: Prune appx six inches–end of season.
• BASE: Keep roots cool–cover with mulch or short plantings.
• ATTRACTS: Butterflies and hummingbirds.
• ZONE 4-9.
More details can be found at Clematis Nursery UK Evison Trial Gardens... Floral Daily
New Hostas!
• 'First Dance' also know as "Dancing Queen" has a lime yellow center green border margins–adds a little pop to those more shady spots in the garden. A beautiful perennial plant the forms into the typical mound shape. The traditional purple blooms appear later in summer. A great speciment plant for the more shaded areas in the garden.
• 'Waterslide' Blue wavy ruffled leaves–beatiful foliage that brings a striking accent to any garden. Plus, they hold their blue color all year long. The Waterslide can be grown in semi-shade to full shade. Cut the foliage as it is ideal to be used in creating your indoor fresh cut flower arrangements to bring a little summer inside and brighten up that home.
• 'Out of the Fog' A minature hosta with light green leaves with white speks and streaks–perfect for containers and pots. The green flecks fill-in gradually as the season progresses and the leaves are more green by mid summer. For landscapes and home gardenscapes. Zone 3-9.
Begonias Sprint Plus Rose
Begonia 'Sprint Plus Rose' (semperflorens) display bold beautiful, countless deep colored blooms to accent with the dark green foliage-yellowish edging. The Sprint cultivar promotes larger blooms than its previous counterparts and the performance is also improved. Begonias are ideal for pots, borders or window boxes. Tight compact branching habits make Sprint class a perfect choice for the landscape or container gardening. They come in a variety of different colors: rose, whte, red. Growing Habit: Sun & Light Shade. Up-right and hanging. Minimum deadheading. For landscapes and home gardenscapes. Zone 4-9.
More details can be found at Colorado States Flower Trial Garden... Colorado State Trials
Interspecific Geraniums
Interspecific Geraniums are cross breads between a zonal geranim and an ivy geranium. Offering big blooms like a zonal and a sem-trailing habit like an ivy. This class of geraniums are also known as Calliope. Vigorous branching habits and large flower spread make Calliope class a perfect choice for all container gardening ideas: hanging baskets, pots and in the landscape. They cover an impressive range of brilliant colors. Growing Habit: Sun & Light Shade. Up-right and hanging. Minimum deadheading. For landscapes and home gardenscapes. Zone 4-9.
More details can be found at Syngenta Greenhouse Growers... Syngenta Flowers
Gloriaosa Double Gold Daisy
The blossoms of 'Gloriosa' are a deep golden yellow. These profuse double stacked blossoming perennials fill the flower beds with blooms soon after planting them in the spring and will proceed throughout the majority of summer. Cuts from the gloriosa daisy can last as long as about fourteen days all at once, making it ideal as a flower bouquet for indoors. Growing Habit: Sun & Light Shade. Rich, brilliant yellow slinder petals layers appx 3 1/2" wide, black centers. Blooms the first season after early sowing, no need to deadhead. For landscapes and home gardenscapes. Zone 4-9.
More details can be found at Burpee Seed... Burpee Seed
Zinnia Uproar Rose

Eye-catching! This big-bloom highlite-bright zinnia draws attention to anyone passing by. Whether you grow these zinnias for cut flowers or attracting butterflies, Uproar Rose is flower that is perfect for any garden! Growing Habit: Sun, The wide 5 inch wide blooms hold's an upright form all summer, no need to deadhead”. For planting in rear of flower beds. Or, mass plantings to fill in empty spaces. Zone 4-9.
Remember - As with all zinnias, the plants are easy to grow. More details can be found at ... Parks Seed
Double Up Begonia - Pink
The Double Up Begonia growing habit is densely branch covered with large double blooms. A multibloom vigorous spreader–will require less plants to fill the same garden space compared to regular wax begonias. Any of the red, white or pink color choice will become a focal point for any garden. Growing Habit: Sun & Shade, The Double Up hold's an upright form with uniform spread, medium size blooms, double-petaled layers that will bloom all summer, no need to deadhead”. For landscapes, and containers. Zone 4-9.
Remember - As with all begonias, the plants can easily overwinter indoors as house plants. More details can be found at ... PennState Agricultural Sciences
Coryopteris - La Bleue BlueBeard
Late summer appearence produce a multitude of dark blue emotionally calming flower spikes. Fall foliage changes appearence–fragrant yellow glossy leaves adds a warm contrast into the landscape during summer fall season. Habit: Neat compact, large blooms. For landscape, gardens, and containers. Zone 4-9. More details can be found at ... Zone 4-9. More details can be found at ... Michigan Horticulture Society
Rose - Queen of Elegance
A multibloom floribunda variety by Carruth. The lavender & pinkish pedals is eye candy for the garden. The center core is more dark pink and colors radiate outward to lavender. The rose promotes a strong classic and pleasing traditional rose scent that gardeners will enjoy very much during the early morning garden inspections. Habit: The shrub is upright, large blooms, multi-petaled layers”. For landscape, gardens, and containers. Zone 4-9. More details can be found at ... Pacific Horticulture Society
Begonias Baskets - Funky
A heat-tolerant begonia hybrid that performs well in partial to full sun. Funky colors for 2020 are Light Pink, Orange, Scarlet Red and White. Best uses: pots, baskets gardens, and containers. Zone 4-9. More details can be found at ... Benary Greenhouses
Rudbeckia Amarillo Gold
Offers a bright glowing presents of color to the gardenscape. The lime green center cone is surrounded by bold sunflower like colors. Making this plant this elgible to work in combination with many other colors. Habit is compact, large 4-6” blooms cover compact 12-18” plants. For landscape, gardens, and containers. Zone 4-9. More details can be found at ... The Company: AAS WInners
Phlox Spring Bling
Spring Bling blooms earlier, produce larger flowers, and more flower coverage compared to standard varieties. Forms the infamous mounding shape in appx two years after planting. Use for border plants , ground cover and bolder walls. Habits: Height 4-8 inches, spreads 24-28 inches. Zones 4-9.
Hydrangea Quick-Fire / Strawberry Sweet
Known as "Quick Fire" offers the earliest blooming hydrangea of all the hydrangeas. Can be grown in pots for patios and deck gardening. Dense white-ish pink, strawberry shaped blooms. Best time to plant is early spring. Trim back as much as a third each year–around March. Zone 4-9. More details can be found at ... The Company: Proven Winners Collection
Hydrangea Summer Crush
Offers a big profusion of color to the landscape. Raspberry red, or standard large purple blooms. Can be grown in pots for patios and deck gardening. garden or patio container. Habit is very compact and more impressive is the blooms will last all summer long. Fill a patio container with Summer Crush for a stunning look all season long. Zone 4-9. More details can be found at ... The Company: Endless Summer Blooms
New Impatiens Beacon Series
Disease-free and offer consumers a better fuller choice of impatiens. Looks more like the original impatiens from the good old days without the thread of mid-summer collaspe. They are cultured to maintain more compactness that prevents elongated plants.
Grows: height- 18", spread- 12-24". Shade, part-shade, even grows in full sun. More details can be found at ... Penn State Flower Trials
New Begonia Double Blush Rose 2021
Double Delight. Offers a massive cascading habit of pascal pink-ish blooms. An abundance of double blooms on traditional darkgreen foliage.
Grows: height- 8-14", spread- 12-24". Best grown in contaniers, hanging baskets and window boxes.
New Begonia Sunrise
Conia hybrid begonias – Salmon Orange Sunrise. Massive high impact color of yellow–from center to orange shades. Double blooms on darkgreen foliage.
It comes in a variety of colors and can be planted in contaniers and landscape. Learn more at Penn State found here... Penn State College of Agriculture
Zinna Red Preciosa
Zinnia Red Preciosa is true fire engine red. It provides gardeners with three main attributes: more branching, more flowers than double the previous series and more compactness.
It comes in a variety of colors and can be planted in contaniers and landscape. Learn more at Takii Seed found here... Takii Seed Zinna F1 Preciosa
Non Stop Deep Red Rose
The gorgeous, big, tuberous-type blooms are so red–with a striking color so intense, it will find few other plants to compete with it. So for that beacon of brillant red to add to the garden, this new non-stop begonia will be a must have.
The only caution in caring for this garden flower is on should be scarce with irriagation–keep on dry side and do not overwater. Learn more from the Better Homes & Garden article found here... Better Homes & Gardens–New Varieties
The New Bundle Kit Combination Hanging Baskets & Pots
Grand Traverse
New show stopper Hanging Baskets - Consumers all over Michigan are looking for a eye popping hanging basket combo to put on their front porch or deck that will knock their neighbors eye's out!
Well, the new grower Bundled Kit program will take combination planting to a new level. You are sure to find something in this new approach that growers all over Michigan are preparing for the consumer market this summer. Keep you eyes open at the Market this year.
Pumpkin Spice
Above & Beyond
Senecio Angel Wings
A brilliant, accent captivating cultivar that will add a conversational piece for any yard.
The foliage of this plant will create needed contrast to any container or garden.
Resembles an over grown dusty miller or silver mound in color. Grows about 12″ tall and equally wide.
Sweet potato vine Solar Tower
A self-climbing sweet potato vine, a new foliage with large silvery leaves.
Ornamental sweet potato vines created an attractive trailing foliage plant, this new variety grows up a trellis with ease.
Cuphea FloriGlory 'Diana'
Also known as Mexican heather. A flowering plant that produces a profusion a danty flowering blooms. FloriGlory ‘Diana’ Color – magenta. It the plants grow about 12 inches tall and are heat tolerant.
Look for these new annuals at this year’s Eastern Market Flower Day!
Another new annual flower variety to look out for this year–called Supertunia Bordeaux Basket.
Supertunia petunias are vigorous growers that spread into wide mounds of beautiful flowers. They are excellent in landscapes that require that road-side appeal.
Impatiens | Tumbler White
2019 New Variety | Impatiens
Name: Tumbler | White F1
Growth: Bred specifically for hanging baskets.
Unique: Fewer plants needed to fill containers.
The plants are vigorous growers and quick expanding properties. For all containers including baskets, porch & patio pots.
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